Archived Webinars

Clarity Practice Management
(800) 355-7471
Clarity Practice Management was born from an IRL (in real life) accountant-client relationship kindled some ten years ago. While, in the beginning, Peter Daniel, client, didn’t mind driving over to see Frank Stitely, CPA/CVA, eight times a year, eventually he preferred catching up with his accountant only by phone. Then it was email. Then he wanted to know if Frank could send him fewer emails. And then Peter, a successful tech developer, wanted to know why they couldn’t just meet in the cloud, in one designated space. Then he wanted to stop all in-person meetings, all phone calls, and all emails. He said, “Frank, I can make this work better for you and me. And if I can do it for us, I can do it for all of your clients. And if we can do that, let’s make it available for other tax firms, and bring some much-needed change and modernization to the industry.”